Recycling: Computers Part 2

Computer Electronics Recycling – Why Not Just Toss It?

No matter what kind of electronic device you own, when you are finished with it, whether it is broken or you just updated to a new model, you need to recycle your old one. In fact, there are new environmental laws that require computer electronics recycling, and you can incur fines if you just throw it away, as it is deemed hazardous waste.
So what can you do instead of throwing it away? There are actually many companies that will take just about anything you want to give them. This may include cell phones, IT devices, laptops, home and office computers, as well as DVD players, television sets, and just about anything else electronic.
There are also charities that would welcome home electronics, which they in turn give to individuals as well as families in need. Some of these may also be given to thrift stores, which will clean them up and sell them at a reduced cost. Some recycling centers may even give you money for recycling some of these products.
One of the questions often asked concerning items given to these companies is what happens to them. Obviously they are not put in landfills, but just where do they go?
Some businesses may also be concerned over the contents of IT products, namely sensitive documents and other important information. For businesses recycling office electronics, the first thing that happens is retrieval of these files, which are then returned to the company. All memory and mother boards are entirely erased.
Equipment that is in perfectly good condition may be donated to organisations that help the needy. For other products whether taken from companies or individuals, what can be fixed is, and what can not is taken apart. These parts are used in other products, and what just can’t be used is broken down, or melted down if it is metal, and recycled into other products. Nothing is wasted. If you are a business, you can get a full report on where everything finally wound up, in case you need to report this information.
There are many reasons why it is important that these electronics don’t wind up in local landfills. The Environmental Protection Agency deems these as hazardous waste, and this is very true. Laptops, I-Pods and other items contain batteries that are considered hazardous because of the chemical components, such as nickel cadmium, lithium and many others.
There are many other components that have different chemicals as well, like the mother boards, circuits, and even some that have old cathode ray tubes, and monitors. Over time, exposure to the elements can cause these to leak, leaching into the ground, contaminating underground water sources, and also ruining the soil. These items do not break down as normal. The metal casings, and plastic components can be there for many years.
It is important for businesses as well as individuals to do their part to prevent these from ruining the environment. This not only helps our planet, conserves our dwindling resources, but also helps those less fortunate than we are to have some of the electronic necessities that they could not otherwise afford.

Written By: Unknown Author

Source:-  ArticleSqueeze

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