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Are We Missing Something in this busy and fast life?

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Poem on Trees.

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What to Do During Floods?

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What to Do During Earth Quakes?

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Precautions to Be Taken To Avoid Fire Problems

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What To Do During Fire?

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What To Do During Lightening?

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Why no importance is given to Earth?---because we are Busy

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About This Section..Must Read it

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Mining Is Damaging The Planet !!

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Some Images To Open Eyes Part 1

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Biomass – Is Burning It Bad For The Environment?

When talking about renewable energy sources, one must not forget about biomass. While the name sounds a little “high tech”, it’s actually the oldest form of heating. Biomass actually refers to biological material that is either living or recently dead. When referring to it in the renewable energy sense, we are typically talking about plant matter. The most common example that comes to mind is burning wood.
Indeed, up until about a hundred years ago wood was the primary heating source for man. Many people still used it today in wood stoves in their home as well as the newer and more environmentally friendly wood pellet stoves.
Biomass, being plant matter, is renewable because you can simply plant more of the trees or what ever biological material you are using. If used responsibly, you would never run out of your supply and it is renewable because you would always be planting new trees to replace the ones you used to produce energy.
However, biomass is a part of the carbon cycle and burning it releases carbon dioxide into the air. If used properly, it can be a carbon neutral fuel though because the living plants actually absorb carbon dioxide. So if you are planting as many new plants as you are burning, then you will have a neutral effect when it comes to carbon dioxide.
Biomass doesn’t have to refer to just plants though it can also be animal matter too. Even garbage could be considered biomass but I don’t think you’d want to burn it in your wood stove! Yet, you don’t have to burn biomass to release its energy – it can be converted into methane or ethanol or even by biodiesel.
When it comes to greenhouse gases, this can be a very good thing because methane, which is released in our landfills, dairies and cattle feed lots, has 21 times the global warming potential that carbon dioxide has. Therefore, collecting the methane and using it for energy production could reduce harmful green house gases which contribute to global warming.
Biomass fuel has another advantage as it is very versatile. Unlike wind or solar power which can only be stored as electricity in batteries or used right away, biomass can be made into a gas for heating and burning, a liquid for fueling cars or even a bricklike briquette like charcoal.
With our supply of fossil fuels quickly running out, you will probably be hearing more and more about research being done on how to harness the green, renewable energy of biomass fuels.

Written By:- Unknown Author


Global Warming Subject

Is Global Warming Becoming A Hot Subject?

Global warming causes more snow. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, oceans are warmer than they were 30 years ago. This means there’s approximately 4% more water vapor rising over oceans. What goes up in the air as water vapor comes down as snow if it’s cold enough. According to the Web site Weather Underground, it is average temperatures – not snow – that measures climate change. Temperatures have warmed about 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years and that isn’t enough warming to end snow. Saying it is would be a “snow job”.
Global warming also causes less fog. According to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the high pressure cell off California’s coast in summer, plus the cold ocean and the land gradient combine to make fog. However, over the past century there’s been about a 30% decline in fog frequency – which translates into about 3 hours less fog daily. The leaves of California redwoods absorb fog. It provides them with 30%-40% of their yearly water. The future of the redwoods depends on the future of California’s fog, which depends on how global warming affects California. Predictions are “foggy”.
Global warming was predicted to cause the extinction of pikas. The small, chinchilla-like animals are disappearing from the Great Basin. The chronically warm temperatures have risen above 78-85 degrees Fahrenheit – making it too hot for pikas to survive. The good news is pikas are thriving in the Sierra Nevada Mountains., where it is cooler. The freezing and thawing of exposed rock has formed fields of beach-ball-sized rocks and the caverns between those rocks provide pikas with an excellent, cool habitat. If only the legislators fighting over global warning would learn to keep their “cool”.
However, legislators could learn that white roofs would reduce city heat. The black tar roofs, black asphalt roads and other black artificial surfaces that are prevalent in cities absorb the sun’s heat, creating the “urban heat island effect”. This effect makes temperatures on average 2-5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than in rural areas. White surfaces have the reverse effect. They reflect most of the light that hits them. A study done by the National Center for Atmospheric Research suggested if every city roof were painted white, the urban heat island effect could be reduced one-third. The world’s cities would be .7 degrees cooler by “white-outing” heat.

Written By:- Knight Pierce Hirst

Recycling: Glass

Recycling Glass: Why It’s Important

Recycling is simply the process of taking a substance or a product at the end of its functional existence and reutilizing a part or all of it to produce another item for use. People in today’s world are becoming more and more aware of how important it is to recycle what we use. The responsibility of good stewardship is on our shoulders and to do any less would be considered wasteful and irresponsible.
There are many items that can be recovered and reused again and again, but one of the most popular materials to be recycled is glass. It has very pure ingredients and the processing turnaround time is quite fast when compared to other materials. This material has so many uses that it can be found in everything from pavement to countertops and numerous other products. The primary use is for bottles or containers in one form or another. An interesting fact is that glass can be recycled indefinitely and with no deterioration in quality, yet only about one quarter of glass is produced from reprocessed material.
The recycling process is quite simple, when broken into the main elements They are:
* Collect
* Sort
* Clean
* Crush
* Mix
* Melt
* Mold
* Cool
The first course of action is to collect, sort by color and clean the glass. The next step is to crush it into small gravel-like pieces, which is called “cullet” in the industry. The cullet is then mixed with “virgin” materials, such as soda ash, limestone and silica sand. At this point the entire mixture is placed in a furnace which is heated to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit and melted down to a molten state. This prepares it for the next stage, which is molding. The molten glass is then poured into molds and cooled slowly so it will retain strength and not be brittle.
Some companies only process to the point of cullet production and will ship this out to other manufacturers and they will use the cullet in their own product creations. There is great demand for cullet because it costs much less than producing glass from raw materials.
The downside to glass is it never decomposes, which means it should never be placed in landfills. Unwanted glass can be recycled through curbside recyclable programs and collection bins at local recycling centers.

Written By:- Unknown Author

Source:- ArticleSqueeze

Air Conditioner

Air Conditioning: No Longer A Luxury

Summers are bad times of the year, especially for places which tend to get very humid. People tend to get all sticky and irritated through the day thus bringing forth the vitality of proper conditioning and control of temperatures in situations like these. Air conditioning in the proper sense of the term means dehumidification maintaining the proper temperature of air, besides also detoxifying and cleaning it. Humid air tends to store a lot of heat because of the inherent water content. Besides this, it is also important to maintain the thermal comfort in places where there is a large congregation of people.
Like everything good, has a bad side to it, conventional air conditioning has proved that it has very negative far reaching effects. A particular chemical used as refrigerant in the air conditioners known as “DuPont’s Freon”, and many others like the same is known to contain and release chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs which affect the ozone layer in the atmosphere. They have an adverse study on human health as well and independent studies have indicated air conditioning have their role in aggravation of effects of arthritis and neuritis amongst patients. Then there is a particular amount of stress that develops amongst users, who are subdued to constant artificial air conditioning.
Many leading companies have come up with their versions of CFC free air conditioners. One thus, can choose such systems after going through the air conditioner reviews that are done so as to compare the new technology with the one prevalent. Air conditioner reviews can be found on the internet or in the print media. These air conditioner reviews are also helpful for comparing the specifications of the models. Major people involved in the industry, scientists and environmentalists make and closely follow the air conditioner reviews. Such reviews are the best buying guides and ensure that the best product at a best price is bought. Air conditioner reviews though should be checked for their authenticity and should not be confused with another self-promotion campaign.
There are many changes that can be incorporated in the environment, both the natural and the built. Trees have a huge effect cooling the environment, thus adding greens can do wonders. Having a green cover around the house using lawns etc is recommended. Then specific arrangements in the built environment to cool the air or cool the ambient temperature of the room and incorporating green practices can be seen as practical solutions to the air conditioning problems.

Written By: Unknown Author

 Source:-  ArticleSqueeze

Waste Management

Increased Focus on Waste Management

It’s not fun, it’s not ___(edited by me) and it sure isn’t exciting, but waste management is becoming an increasingly important part of any company’s day to day operation. As concern over the environment and the impact companies have on their surroundings grows, the government is using a number of carrot and stick techniques in order to get companies to improve their current practices.
First of all the stick. Under official regulations all companies are required to take every reasonable measure to ensure all its waste is disposed of properly and responsible. Failure to do so can result in financial penalties, not to mention the subsequent impact on your local reputation.
That issue of reputation is increasingly important. The environment has assumed a growing importance in the popular consciousness. A company’s waste management practices will quickly come under scrutiny should anything go wrong. Those firms guilty of being penny wise but pound foolish could find themselves punished quite severely if they decide to put short term gain over long term prosperity.
Now the carrot. Companies can earn brownie points for effective waste management policies which significantly reduce the amount they send to landfill each year. There all sorts of awards on offer – both local and national. Firms that win them are not shy in promoting the fact. Ethical consumerism means it can be highly lucrative for any company to be seen as having a reputation for being environmentally friendly. There are also a number of planned tax incentives on the horizon whether we end up with a Conservative or Labour government after the next election.
The political and social landscape has changed considerably. Once upon a time authorities and the public were somewhat resigned to the fact that they would have to put up with the excess waste churned out by companies all over the country. Governments often felt it was easier to turn a blind eye rather than impact profits.
However, that is no longer the case. By using an effective waste management service companies can significantly reduce the amount they send to landfill every year. As part of an ongoing commitment to sustainability it fits in with the modern ethos – one that is increasingly shared by customers.
As consumers become more eco conscious the focus on waste management practices will grow significantly as time passes. The best option for any company is to make sure it stays ahead of the curve to be identified as a leader in environmental sustainability.
Written By:- Dominic Donaldson is a freelance journalist.

Recycling: Computers Part 2

Computer Electronics Recycling – Why Not Just Toss It?

No matter what kind of electronic device you own, when you are finished with it, whether it is broken or you just updated to a new model, you need to recycle your old one. In fact, there are new environmental laws that require computer electronics recycling, and you can incur fines if you just throw it away, as it is deemed hazardous waste.
So what can you do instead of throwing it away? There are actually many companies that will take just about anything you want to give them. This may include cell phones, IT devices, laptops, home and office computers, as well as DVD players, television sets, and just about anything else electronic.
There are also charities that would welcome home electronics, which they in turn give to individuals as well as families in need. Some of these may also be given to thrift stores, which will clean them up and sell them at a reduced cost. Some recycling centers may even give you money for recycling some of these products.
One of the questions often asked concerning items given to these companies is what happens to them. Obviously they are not put in landfills, but just where do they go?
Some businesses may also be concerned over the contents of IT products, namely sensitive documents and other important information. For businesses recycling office electronics, the first thing that happens is retrieval of these files, which are then returned to the company. All memory and mother boards are entirely erased.
Equipment that is in perfectly good condition may be donated to organisations that help the needy. For other products whether taken from companies or individuals, what can be fixed is, and what can not is taken apart. These parts are used in other products, and what just can’t be used is broken down, or melted down if it is metal, and recycled into other products. Nothing is wasted. If you are a business, you can get a full report on where everything finally wound up, in case you need to report this information.
There are many reasons why it is important that these electronics don’t wind up in local landfills. The Environmental Protection Agency deems these as hazardous waste, and this is very true. Laptops, I-Pods and other items contain batteries that are considered hazardous because of the chemical components, such as nickel cadmium, lithium and many others.
There are many other components that have different chemicals as well, like the mother boards, circuits, and even some that have old cathode ray tubes, and monitors. Over time, exposure to the elements can cause these to leak, leaching into the ground, contaminating underground water sources, and also ruining the soil. These items do not break down as normal. The metal casings, and plastic components can be there for many years.
It is important for businesses as well as individuals to do their part to prevent these from ruining the environment. This not only helps our planet, conserves our dwindling resources, but also helps those less fortunate than we are to have some of the electronic necessities that they could not otherwise afford.

Written By: Unknown Author

Source:-  ArticleSqueeze

Battle Against Global Warming

Small Steps For Battle Against Global Warming

The results of climate change is really penetrating deeper into our lives as we are facing many weather and climatic changes that are causing natural disasters like frequent tsunamis, earthquakes and floods all over the world. It has been surveyed that in the last ten years there have been more earthquakes and floods in the world than what was recorded in the last ninety years which clearly tells us that the weather is rapidly changing and soon it might lead into catastrophic events that would wipe off the human race from the planet.

The global warming or global climate change is a result of our mistakes and carelessness and therefore it is our duty to rectify the problem before it is too late. Though, we are just an ordinary people who are very much busy in our own personal and professional lives but we still have the power to take small steps that would collective become a giant leap to ensure that the Mother Earth is safe from the dangers of climatic changes.
Planting more trees is one of the simple ways to fight this problem. Today, more than 5 million players from all over the world play Farmville and make sure that their farms are looking good and healthy but none of us taking initiatives to farm trees around our houses and in our locality. Farming trees does not cost us thousands of bucks and therefore each one can buy a sapling and nurture a tree near their house so that we can make this planet greener and beautiful. Remember that planting trees does not only make your locality look greener but it also helps you to get more oxygen and reduces the radiation which is emitted from electrical devices.
At home you can try to install better window panes that would keep the temperature inside the house as per your preferences so that you do not have to turn on your air conditioners and heaters during winter season. Glazed window panes do not only give a better look to your windows but also cuts down your electricity bills since you will not be using your air conditioners and heaters all the time. Similarly, you can keep one single TV at your home rather than having multiple television sets for each room. Try and turn off the lights and other electrical appliances when you are not using them because it will save you some money and also save the planet from climate change problems.

Written By: Unknown Author

Source:-  ArticleSqueeze

Recycling: Computers

How to Recycle Computers

Recycling is undeniably one of the best things you can do to make a positive impact on the environment. The amount of garbage we fill the earth with is building up every day and it’s our responsibility to recycle as much as possible. An everyday item that seems to be ignored seems to be computers. Recycling a computer is not as straightforward as putting it in another bin, so it’s important to know how to recycle computers properly.

As you know, many older computers are being thrown out as new technology is replacing the old. In some cases, computers need to be thrown out due to damage. Whatever the situation is, the bottom line is that we need to take responsibility and take the necessary steps to recycle them properly.
Before disposing of your computer, you need to consider how to protect your personal information or data such as passwords, bank accounts, and tax information. A lot of individuals have the notion that deleting the files in the computer is sufficient. However, this is not so. If the computer reaches the hands of a computer expert, he can probably rebuild much of the computer’s hard drive.
This is definitely something you don’t want to happen. The last thing you need is for your identity to be stolen and your financial information to be known. In order to permanently delete the files, it is vital that the hard drive is completely destroyed and not repairable. A professional company that recycles computers can solve this issue and gives you a certification that your data has been completely destroyed.
When searching for companies that recycle computers, ensure that you opt for a company that does more than just taking the computer off your hands. Look for an accountable and highly regarded company which strictly adheres with WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) regulations. Find out exactly what they do with the computers once collected.
Consider only companies that either reuse or recycle close to 90% of the whole bulk of the computer. Many advanced technologies are now employed by specialised computer recycling companies. Avoid companies that use landfills and are not able to safely discharge toxic materials such as lead batteries, mercury lamps, and other chemicals.
Everybody is encouraged to recycle their computer with the aid of recycling companies. It is a sad reality that many people don’t think of recycling their computers and other electronic gadgets sensibly. According to research, millions of tons of electronic trash were produced last year. This is completely avoidable, and now that you can use dedicated computer recycling companies there really is no reason not to do it properly.

Written By: Unknown Author

Source:- ArticleSqueeze

Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Save the Earth by Going Green with Alternative Fuel Vehicles!

Do you know what is the most important problem facing us today? One which might end up in destroying humanity for all times! Not only that, but destroy the world as we know it? Global Warming! I am sure you must have heard of it. But it does not seem so dire when we just think about it offhand, does it? Not nuclear warfare or diseases but global warming and environmental pollution are going to be the worst causes of destruction of the earth! So what are you going to do to save this planet that we live in? Start limiting pollution, of course! You can use alternative fuel vehicles as a small part of stopping pollution.
According to records, there are about 600,000,000 cars around the world. That is one car for every 11 persons and the ratio is far higher in the developing countries like China and India. These vehicles use petroleum and petroleum products as fuel, which results in polluting the air due to emissions. This affects people causing various diseases and might even lead to death. Over 500,000 Americans die every year due to diseases caused by air pollution. So now you know why it is so important to stop pollution of our environment.
Alternative fuel vehicles use fuel which is different from the ‘traditional’ fuels like petrol or diesel. They can use bio-fuels, electricity or solar energy or compressed air as fuel for their engines. This means that there is less pollution by their use. Bio-diesel is a great option for those of you who already use vehicles with a diesel engine. You can switch from diesel to bio-diesel without any problem.
But one thing you must remember is that these alternative fuel vehicles are not entirely emission free. If you want a vehicle which has zero emission, you might want to go for a vehicle which is powered by electricity. However, this does not mean that they are preserving the environment. The electricity they consume is produced by burning other fossil fuels most of the time.
But using electric cars as alternative fuel vehicles is better than others because of the low emission, which prevents the greenhouse effect. This means lower global warming overall.
There are several guides which help you to choose the best alternative fuel vehicles. You can refer to those to get more information about this subject. So what are you waiting for? Get an alternative fuel vehicle and do your bit for the Earth!

Written By: Unknown Author

Source:- ArticleSqueeze

Energy Saving By Using Blackle Powered By Google Custom Search

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Appy Fizz Containing Cancer Causing Agent

Many Emails says Do not drink APPY FIZZ . It contains cancer causing

Well its Rummor or truth we cannot say only scientist can say but most of them eat money and shut there mouth up.

Just Try To Avoid Such and other Drinks.

Source: Email

Mentos Vs Coke

Don't eat Mentos before or after drinking Coke or
Pepsi Because the person will die immediately as the mixture becomes cyanide. 

Actually This Is  true.Please Don't Ever Try It.

Source: Email, YouTube, News Papers

Kurkure Snacks Plastic containing Issue In India

Many Emails and People say ..."Don't eat kurkure because it contains high amount of
plastic if you don't Believe burn kurkure and you can see
plastic melting. News report from Times of India."

But its hard to believe that anything which we eat can contain plastic..Best thing is to avoid eating such things as already its said junk foods and snacks are not good for health.

Source: Email

Medicines Which Are Harmful Containing Phenyl-Propanol-Amide (PPA)

* D cold

* Vicks action- 500* Actified* Coldarin
* Co some* Nice* Nimulid
* Cetrizet-D

They contain Phenyl- Propanol -Amide PPA.Which Causes strokes, and these tablets are banned in U.S

Source: Email

Mobile Phones Signals Doing Damage To Brain

Don't put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers, Because directly after dialing, the mobile phone would use it's maximum signaling power,
which is: 2watts = 33dbi. Please Be Careful. Please use left ear while using cell (mobile), because if you use the right one it may affect brain directly. This is a true fact from Apollo medical team.

Source: Email

Donot Buy Cheap Cotton Ear Buds.

Cotton Ear Buds

Please do not show sympathy to people selling buds on roadside or at Signals.
Just wanted to warn you people not to buy those packs of ear buds you get at the roadside.
It's made from cotton that has already been used in hospitals. 
They take all the dirty, blood and pus filled cotton, wash it, bleach it and use it to make ear buds. 
So, unless you want to become the first person in the world to get Herpes Zoster Oticus (a viral infection of the inner, middle, and external ear) of the ear and that too from a cotton bud.


Source: Email